Saturday, October 2, 2010

Getting Over the Slump

Type A personalities may never have slumps, but I certainly do.  I am more of a Type E personality – Emotionally wired.  There are times when I feel emotionally and physically drained, and it is hard to push myself into the next task.  I feel like I am in a deep slump, and it’s hard to push forward.  How can we push ourselves when we get in these types of situations? 

First of all, if you are tackling a project that MUST get done at the moment, like making dinner, you can think of the REWARD you will get when it is done.  This happens to me often.  Around dinner-making time, I am usually exhausted.  Sometimes I entertain the idea of ordering out but then realize the hassle it would take to get the food and the extra money I would spend.  I, therefore, tell myself to think about how satisfied I will feel once dinner is made.  I focus on what the meal will taste like when it is done and recall its healthy benefits.  A couple times this week, I had to do this.  I was completely spent.  I pushed myself to make homemade pizza one night and beef taquitos another night.  In the end, I was rewarded.  My meals turned out well, and I felt good about it!

Secondly, if you are just in a slump, evaluating many projects you could tackle at the moment, here are some ways to motivate yourself and decide what to do next.

  • Think of one that might be done QUICKLY and EASILY, so you could cross it off your list.  That feels so good; doesn’t it?  
  • What has been on your list for a LONG time?  It would feel great to get that one accomplished!
  • As in tackling an immediate project, think of the project that would give you the MOST REWARD right now.  Would it feel better to have that closet organized or to do some of the Fall clean-up in your yard?  Which result would please you most right now?

All of us have to make these decisions continually and motivate ourselves to plod on in the pursuit of productivity.  As my friend and I were discussing yesterday, tasks (done and undone) are always going to be a part of life – especially a part of motherhood – and we need to learn to flow with them.  They are part of the “cycle of life” (as my friend put it).  May we find joy and peace in the journey!

Blessings to you as you find fulfillment today!

(I will post the recipe for the beef taquitos soon!)

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