Monday, November 8, 2010

A Refreshing Day


The past couple months have been absolutely exhausting.  As the school year started, I felt pretty good about it.  However, people would say, “How are you feeling about homeschooling with a baby in the house?”  Well, I’ve done it before, and honestly, I was thinking about next year, how it would be harder when my baby is a walking toddler – gulp!  As I got into the swing of things – homeschooling my three older children, school life with my teenaged niece (for whom we are guardians), a completely insane work schedule for my husband, soccer season, piano lessons, Baby starting to wake up every few hours for feedings, sickness in the house, etc., I began to feel like I was living on fumes… and still do! 

My niece left for a trip to the Creation Museum last Thursday.  I decided to do something fun with the rest of the crew.  We took the day off school.  My mom came over, and we went bowling.  Then we went to the cider mill to pick up some cider and doughnuts.  We were laid back the rest of the day and played some games.  It is the first time, in a LONG TIME, that I have actually felt like I had a day devoted to relaxation.  I was so thankful my mom came over.  If she had not come, I probably would have tried to do something fun with the kids, only to keep thinking about how many things I was leaving undone!


If you haven’t had a refreshing day in a while, one where you can stop thinking about all you have to do and just enjoy life, I encourage you to plan one.  It is my goal to make this happen more often and also to make Sunday a more restful day. 

Some tips that might help you keep focus off your “To Do” List:

  • Invite someone to come along or include your spouse in the action!
  • Make a basic plan for the day and also plan for at least one of the events to be out of the house.
  • Do some food prep. the day before!  Wednesday night I made granola for Thursday’s breakfast and prepped some of the items for Thursday’s dinner as well. 

Whatever you do, take a deep breath and refresh yourself!  Life is too short!  We must take some time to enjoy it!

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