Monday, August 1, 2011

The Bigger the Summer Vacation…


The other day I passed an elementary school.  Its sign read:

The bigger the summer vacation the harder the fall.

I thought about that for a moment before its meaning solidified.  Ah yes… the more you have fun and break from the norm the harder it is to get back to school, work, and routine.  I find that is true in my home.  Usually we school throughout the summer – lightly – just to keep brains fresh and give some structure throughout our days.  However, this summer we have hardly done any school.  I realized, for my own sake, that I needed a long break.  I am going through a lot in my personal life and trying to get some things in order before the school year starts.  In the mean time, I do find that my kids seem to be getting lazy, even though I have them do chores each day.  Somehow it seems that our break is not always serving us best.  Sometimes it is hard to get good attitudes about work, and I have to contend with tired, bored souls that fill my home at times.  Yes, balancing the right break with the right amount of routine and work is tricky!  At least it has been for us!

How is your summer going?

Have you found a good balance?

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