Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Balm of a Toddler


Life these days is outright draining.  Motherhood requires more than I can give, a supernatural amount of grace and strength each day.

In the midst of it, though, there is joy and blessing.  In the midst of my life lives a 2.5 year old gem that brightens my day.

She reminds me that I am needed.

She reminds me that she loves me.

She reminds me to take joy in little things.

She reminds me to laugh when she says the cutest expressions.

She reminds me that the phases of life are fleeting,
and I better appreciate them.

Yes, toddlerhood requires a lot of energy on mom’s part.  However, toddlers are some of the most adorable, loving creatures on earth!

Mom, do you have little ones at home?  Don’t whisk them away!

Appreciate them!  Hug them!  Enjoy life with them!

It will take effort, but just do it!

Soon enough, your children will be grown, and you will be longing for the preciousness of these days.


  1. So very true Lisa. I can attest to that!

  2. They do grow up too fast - sigh. Great post and she is so absolutely adorable!! :)
