Monday, July 15, 2013

Comparison: The Death Trap

Wow!  Look at her!

Annabel - comparisonShe’s got the life!

Her house is immaculate and spectacular.

Her appearance is beyond beautiful.

Her blog is popular. 

Her books are popular.

SHE is popular.

Her husband is like no other.

She lacks nothing.

Her children are so well-behaved.

But me… little ol’ me… look at me…

Pity.  Pity.

That’s where we put ourselves when we compare ourselves to others – right in the middle of a PITIFUL hole!

When we compare our lives to others, we are measuring them as our standard, as our goal.

Guess what? 

Others’ lives are not the standard
for our lives.

God’s will is the standard for our lives.

If you try to shape your life into someone else’s, you will fail. 

You are unique.  You are made by God, and He has a special purpose for you!

Don’t fill your mind with the images of other women, husbands, families, blogs, houses, etc..  Fill your mind with what God wants for YOU!

Be content. 
Be thankful.
Be calm.
Be patient.
Be joyful.
Be prayerful.

Choose to live the life God has given you.

Ask God to help you settle into the life
He has designed for YOU!

“But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”  2 Corinthians 10:12

1 comment:

  1. So, so true!! And especially with all of the online connections we have today....when I first started reading other blogs I found it hard to not compare myself with what others had/how their kids were/how they looked. But God made me who I am, and it is exactly how it should be. And I can rest in His perfect will. Thanks Lisa, for the encouragement!
