Wednesday, October 8, 2014

31 Days to Becoming Less Stressed, More Refreshed. Day 8: Eat Healthfully

Eat Healthfully - The Cozy Nook 

You are what you eat.

You’ve probably heard that saying before, right?

You’ve probably FELT that saying before, too.

You know how it goes. You eat too much junk food and what do you feel like? JUNK!

It is true. What goes into our bodies has the potential to give good health or deplete good health.

If we want to battle stress and win,
we have to be strong,
and part of that is equipping our bodies to be healthy!

When we eat well, we strengthen our bodies and fight against disease. We can think more clearly and serve with more energy.

If you’ve done any reading about healthful eating, you have probably already seen that there are a lot of different opinions out there. Really, you have to do what is best for you!

You (with the help of God and your health practitioners) have to make the decision of how you will eat.

In general, I recommend eating a whole foods diet, staying away from processed and artificial foods. Eating fresh foods and plenty of produce helps! Do your best and let God do the rest!

Some ideas:

  • Eat breakfast
  • Add smoothies to your day – as breakfast or a snack
  • Eat a salad with your meals or as a meal!
  • Choose whole grains over refined grains
  • Eat organic when you can
  • Try some vegetarian meals

If you have health issues, do as much research as you can, pray, and talk with your doctor, and make the best decision you can!

Your body will tell you what works well, too!

Take action: What can you do today that would shift your eating habits to the healthier side?

31 Days Less Stressed, More Refreshed 100

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